(513) 625-7727 / arrowcrestjerseys@gmail.com / Monday-Saturday 1PM-3PM

Herd Shares

Herd Shares

Our herd shares are currently all full, but we will be adding new seasonal shares in April!  Get a local supply of fresh, raw, grain-free, jersey milk. We are also offering a free half gallon sample of raw Jersey milk to try.

Here’s the details:
The only way to get raw unpasteurized milk in the state of Ohio is to either own a cow yourself, or purchase a herd share of someone’s herd.

Share Options (a one-time cost that gives you part ownership of the herd):
-> Half share is $25.00
-> Full share is $50.00
-> 2 Full Shares is $100 etc.

[If you decide you are no longer able to continue owning your share in the future, we will buy the share back from you at the purchase price.]

Boarding Fee (This is a monthly cost that covers the feed, care, and boarding of your share of the herd):
-> For a 1 Half Share the boarding fee $17.00 per month. A half share is equal to 1/2 gallon of milk per week or 1 gallon every other week
-> For 1 Full Share the boarding fee is $33.00 per month. A full share is equal to 1 gallon per week or 2 gallons every other week.
-> For 2 Full Shares the boarding fee is $66.00 per month and equal to 2 gallons per week and so on…

Payment options can be in the form of cash, check, or paypal.

Pickup location is at our family dairy at 6177 Newtonsville Road on a day of your choosing.
We offer appointments to go over the details at your convenience. We can also be flexible for your milk pickup time.

Contact us for more info and to get your free milk to try!

We also have farm fresh eggs for $6 per dozen when available upon request.